Where art meets adventure
Where art meets adventure • The story behind In the Theatre of the Gogs
– Published in 1964 Magazine • Sep 2021

The as-yet unanswered questions; What have we gotten ourselves into? Are we ready for this? Can we do this? What have we forgotten, what have we left behind? Oh man, what have we gotten ourselves into?
A rainbow flickers intermittently through the squalls that tear up the surface. Our sea kayaks, lashed to the deck with a multitude of weathered straps, ropes and granny knots, levitate for a full three seconds when a gust reaches its crescendo. We shout at each other, but our voices wash overboard and depart with the wind. This is wild in every sense of the word, and in a few minutes we’re to be dispatched into the thick of it…
Read the full article here in 1964 Magazine